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Stand with AMFA.

Stand for Change.

The Porter AMFA Steering Committee has come together to build a stronger future and create a clear path for positive change. Your support is essential in making this vision a reality.

It’s time for Porter AME’S and AMFA to join AMPA

Signing a membership card and submitting the 5$ fee is the way you show interest in union membership, the cards are confidential and never shared with Porter management.

Once enough cards have been collected they will be submitted to the CIRB for certification.


Fill Out the Membership Application

Click the Link to access the membership application. Fill Out the Application with your details.


E sign and Date the Application

E-Sign and Date using Adobe Acrobat Sign. You will receive an email for signature verification.


Confirm Your Signature

Confirm Your Signature by clicking the link within the verification email.

AMFA for Porter

Porter AME’S are coming together to seek representation with AMFA, a craft specific independent union committed to elevating the professional standing of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and to achieve improvements in wages, benefits and working conditions.

The Porter AMFA steering committee has come together to build a stronger future and create a path for positive change, Confirm your support to join AMFA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your questions about AMFA for Porter, including its governance structure, available resources, and more.

What does the process of unionization look like?

What can a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) get a work force that the Canadian Labour Code cannot?

What protections exist for employees that are attempting to unionize their workforce?

From thom CIRB website.

“The employer may not interfere with the union by trying to persuade employees to not join the union, by… Learn More.

How is discipline and termination handled in a union workplace?

Stand Together for a Stronger Future

Signing a membership card and submitting the $5 fee is your way to show interest in AMFA representation.